Erin Gray

Erin Gray made her mark in Hollywood as one of the first super-models to break into acting. Already recognized for her national commercials for L'Oreal, Max Factor and also featured in Sports Illustrated, she headed for television where she ultimately redefined our image of the beauty with brains through her character, Colonel Wilma, on "Buck Rogers In The 21st Century." Two years later, Gray showed her versatility by mastering three mediums at once--television, comedy and a live audience on "Silver Spoons." As Kate on the show, she was America's image of the ideal woman who had it all--marriage, family, career and fabulous good looks. Erin has enriched her portfolio of work--and gathered a legion of fans along the way--with many guest starring roles and movies-of-the-week, both in the United States and abroad, playing characters as diverse as a psychotic killer, an evil dutchess and a Laker Girl. A mother herself, Erin has a highly developed sense of public duty. She actively devotes her time to various causes including battered women, drug and alcohol prevention and child abuse.

Here she is co-starring in a Buck Rogers series from the late 70's.

             This is her while a Junior at Redwood in 1966.

Erin Gray was born in Honolulu, Hawaii on January 7th, 1950. Now, at 48, she has two kids, named Kevin, 21, and Samantha, 6. She went to Redwood for only one year of her high school career. Some people say, though, that your Junior year is the most important. Click here to see a filmography on Erin Gray which includes approximately forty Hollywood appearances. Also, be sure to click on the two above pictures for a surprise! Any questions or comments? E-mail Erin Gray herself at

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