George L.
October 26, 1999
English 1

Interpretive Essay: The Form of the Sword

Out of all of the variety of short stories and poems within Multicultural Perspectives, I selected The Form Of The Sword because I was at once captivated by the fantastic description and detail, and the catchy beginning. The further you read into The Form Of The Sword, the more entangled and pulled into the tale you become. The ending is effective and surprising when the true identity of the man with the scar is revealed.

After reading the first sentence of The Form Of The Sword, I was immediately entrapped in the story. The first coupe of sentences capture and drag you further into the story. "His face was crossed with a rancorous scar: a nearly perfect ashen arc which sank into his temple on one side and his cheek on the other. His real name is of no importance: in Tacuarembo everybody knew him as the Englishman of La Colorada. The great landowner of these parts, Cardoso, had not been interested in selling; I have heard that the Englishman had recourse to tell him the history of the scar." I was not only very impressed with this great opening sentence, but also with the notable amount of description when describing the scar that was etched across the man’s face. Once having brought you into the story, the author then goes on to give you a little background information on the man with the scar.

From the beginning to the end the of The Form Of The Sword, I was fascinated by the description and detail contained in the text. When reading, one might think that they are actually walking along side the characters, or actively involved in their conversations. "’Moon had come to know the house very well, much better then I. Once or twice I lost him. I cornered him before the soldiers arrested me. From one of the general’s mounted sets of arms I snatched down a cutlass; with the steel half moon I sealed his face, forever with a half moon of blood. Borges, I have confessed this to you, a stranger. Your contempt will not wound me as much.’ Here the narrator stopped. I noticed that his hands were trembling. ‘And Moon?’ I asked him." This quote gives an accurate portrayal of the excellent description and detail all through The Form Of The Sword.

There is a very surprising and unexpected closure to The Form Of The Sword when the man with the scar tells of his true identity and comes to the point of his story. "’He was paid the Judas-money and fled to Brazil. And that afternoon, he watched some drunks in an impromptu firing squad in the town square shoot down a manikin.’ I waited in vain for him to go on with his story. At length I asked him to continue. A sob shook his body. And then, with feeble sweetness, he pointed to the white arched scar. ‘You don’t believe me?’ he stammered. ‘Don’t you see the mark of infamy written on my face? I told you the story the way I did so that you would here it to the end. I informed on the man who took me in: I am Vincent Moon. Despise me.’" The ending that I have just quoted, leaves you hanging and with a good impression of the author and the author’s writing.

As you can see I elected to choose The Form Of The Sword for many reasons. The story contained considerable amounts of description, and detail. The main highlights of the short story are the catchy beginning and the exciting and surprising closure. As you read the story keeps drawing you in and makes you want to read more.

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