Ryan V.
December 14, 1999
English 1

The Chosen Paper

In the book The Chosen by Chaim Potok, Reb Saunders, Danny’s father, says, A man is born into this world with only a tiny spark of goodness in him. The spark is god, it is the soul; the rest is ugliness and evil, a shell. The spark must be guarded like a treasure, it must be fanned into flame. (263) Fanning the spark of goodness into a flame is a major theme in this book, as it focuses on both religion and friendship. Reb Saunders made sure that the spark of god inside of Danny was fanned into flame. Danny had to make sure that his brilliant mind didn’t choke out the spark in him. Reuven also had to make sure that his rage towards Danny didn’t smother the spark of goodness in him as well.

Reb Saunders words reveal that when people are born into the world, they are given only the basic instincts. These basic instincts are evil and ugly because they exist only to make sure that the shell survives. The shell has no compassion towards others because it only cares about its own prosperity.

It hasn’t yet learned to understand the pain of others. The shell is cold except for just a hint of warmth. That warmth must be closely protected, and carefully nourished until that warmth overtakes and dominates the cold. The warmth must dominate the cold so that the warmth is the first feeling towards a situation, and compassion and understanding is the first reaction.

Religion is a big aspect of fanning a spark of goodness into a flame. Something that fans a spark of goodness into a flame is being kind and showing respect towards others. Another part of religion that involves fanning a spark of goodness into a flame is forgiving those who have committed a sin towards another. Forgiving someone who has hurt someone else is often one of the hardest things to do. This is because it’s very easy to push back the goodness when another person has let the evil come out and try to hurt someone.

Friendship is also something that comes to mind when talking about nourishing warmth into dominating the cold. That’s because strong friendships can’t form when a friend doesn’t have a warm heart. No one can be a good partner in a relationship without a strong sense of kindness and goodness inside.

A scene illustrating a character trying to fan the spark into a flame is when Danny comes to see Reuven in the hospital. At first when Danny walks in, Reuven refuses to talk to him, and accuses Danny of intentionally trying to hit him with the baseball without letting Danny speak. Danny tries to convince Reuven to hear him out, but Reuven stays stubborn, so Danny leaves. This reveals the evil shell inside. Reuven doesn’t care if Danny meant to hit him or not, all he cares about is that Danny, intentionally or not, threatened his well-being, and so coldness took over. He did not feel sympathy towards Danny’s situation, and he got angry at him and told him to leave. Reuven nearly succumbs to the ugliness until he talks it over with his father. Later, Reuven starts to feel a bit guilty that he got so angry at Danny. Reuven says,I couldn’t help it, abba (64). That’s because the ugliness inside him took over, and he couldn’t control how he felt. His father helps him see past the hatred that he feels towards Danny. When Danny comes back to try to apologize for a second time, Reuven is much more accepting and forgiving. There he has helped to fan the spark of god into a flame of goodness. This later results in them becoming good friends.

Reuven also wasn’t the only one who was trying bring out the goodness in him. Danny as well was making an attempt to push back the ugliness that everyone is born with inside. Danny reveals to Reuven that he actually felt like killing him when he was standing at the plate, but he didn’t know why. He said ..I wanted to walk over to you and open up your head with my bat (67). This wasn’t just Danny’s competitiveness for winning the game that made him feel that way. In fact, Danny says, It had nothing to do with the ball game (67). Whenever Danny encounters something he does not understand, he thinks about it until he can comprehend it. This didn’t work with his feelings towards Reuven during the baseball game. This is surprising because Danny can interpret and understand Talmud better than most, learn German and read Freud in it, but he can’t understand his own emotions. Danny couldn’t comprehend his own emotions because the basic instincts to destroy his opponents took over, and Danny felt hatred toward Reuven. Danny describes it as, ...the wildest feeling..I’ve never felt that way before (67).

Fanning the spark of goodness into a flame is something that has to be done with great care. It is obvious the importance of it also. If it is not, and the shell takes over, it can be dangerous. Danny’s hatred nearly caused Reuven to nearly lose sight in one eye. It isn’t hard for the shell to take over. Reb Saunders says, Anything can be a shell Reuven. Anything. Indifference, laziness, brutality, and genius. Yes, even a great mind can be a shell and choke the spark (263). Danny’s brilliant mind was a threat to the development of the flame of goodness inside him. He had to be careful that his mind didn’t dominate his soul. The spark of goodness inside of him ...must learn to seek out other sparks, it must dominate the shell (263). He had to learn to look for a way to show his kindness so that he could learn to feel compassion for others. Having an internal spark of goodness is a hard thing to acquire. It’s difficult for someone to see past themselves and to think of others. It would be nice if it was something that we were born with, because then the world would be a much friendlier place. Fortunately, Reb Saunders was good at showing his son how to fan the spark of goodness into a flame that saved his son from the fate of being a mind without a soul, and also helped to create a lasting friendship.

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