Social Issues
Social Issues is a graduation requirement. Students must take Social Issues once in their high school career, but it's a fun class and you learn a lot about things you need to know about now, the issues teens face today. It is also a requirement to perform 10 hours of community service, which you should do anyway. Some of the issues that are discussed are: teen pregnancy, teen suicide, abortion, smoking, drugs, runaways, family issues, friends, peer pressure, alcohol, sex and violence. The course teaches students to rethink all these issues and make good decisions. This course is one semester, and is taught with an interdisciplinary approach which incorporates content and teaching methods designed to foster confidence and personal effectiveness. The purpose is to provide every student with a common base of knowledge about relevant health issues and skills for living in an increasingly complex world. The goals of the course include development of an attitude of personal well-being, a repertoire of strategies to implement and maintain wellness, and a sense of the rights and responsibilities of each individual as a member of multiple communities (family, school, nation and world). The final project of this class is to do a report on a specific teen-related issue that you can choose. You must have library references and interviews and visuals for the class presentation. |
Human Sexuality
This course is for 11th and 12th grade students. The biological, psychological, social, and moral aspects of sexuality will be presented. Sexuality will be treated in the context of healthy relationships and personal growth. This course will cover a comprehensive view of sexuality including anatomy and physiology, gender issues, sexuality through the life cycle, safer sex, postponement, sexual desease, sexual ethics, and relationships and communication. Students are asked to focus on their own decision-making process and values. Parental permission is required. |
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